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主頁 > 解決方案 > 大數據和分析



"What excites me about what I'm doing with Azure is the ability to accelerate discovery to the point where we might be able to find treatments for cancer."

Virginia Tech 計算機科學教授 We Feng

  • 將所需的所有數據集中在一起

    數據量正在從傳統銷售點系統和電子商務網站延伸到新的客戶觀點源(如 Twitter 和 IoT 傳感器),它們使用 Apache Hadoop 和 Spark 實時對數據進行流式處理。通過從頭分析不同的數據集,你可以做出有預見性且全面的明智決定,而不是做出被動且不相關的決定。

    "Being able to get very actionable insights at an individual restaurant level is game changing. If you know specifically that a particular restaurant has a heat and speed problem, or what particular items are reported as cold, or which particular servers are slow, or what’s causing the bottleneck, that’s game changing, and you’re getting it in real time."

    Digital Innovation and Customer Engagement 副總裁 Wade Allen
  • 保存最有價值的資產 — 大數據

    無論組織數據大小,確保將其永久保存。不需對要保留的數據進行成本權衡,可在可承受的價格范圍內保留數據以滿足法規和公司標準 - 現在使用 Hadoop 和 Spark 技術和云即可能實現。

    "It's part of our audit requirements that we keep data for seven years, and some information has to be retained for as long as 30 years. With HDInsight, we can store more data and query it as needed."

    數據庫管理經理 Don Wood
  • 為客戶提供個性化體驗


    "Until now, we haven’t had the ability to optimize the guest experience based on their specific interactions with the devices. With Azure we can close the loop."

    首席軟件架構師 Kevin Mowry
  • 創建更具成本效益的供應鏈

    跨企業價值鏈集成大數據并實時進行高級分析,以優化供應端性能并節約成本。將具有實時查看的主動方法包含在你的供應鏈中 - 評估庫存級別、預測產品完成需求以及發現潛在積壓工作問題。

    "We wanted to go beyond the industry standard of preventative maintenance to offer predictive and even preemptive maintenance, so we can guarantee a higher uptime percentage on our elevators."

    CEO,Andreas Schierenbeck
  • 提高所有工作的效率


    "We plan to deploy Microsoft Azure technologies across all of our monitoring applications, because they enable us to orchestrate data more effectively across increasingly complex environments. We can serve remote customers, wherever in the world they are, at a level of efficiency that hasn’t been possible before."

    軟件業務開發總監 John Dyck



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